Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Turkey Trot

Sitting in my office yesterday and I heard this strange noise outside. I opened the door and discovered a wild turkey making a ruckus. Then I noticed trotting away from the turkey, towards me was Climber, one of our outside cats. The turkey was chasing Climber. I put Climber in the office and grabbed my camera. I got a couple of shots of her before she started down the front hill. I watched her and walked slowly towards her and realized why she was chasing Climber away. Down the hill were 4 chicks and a young male. I was lucky enough to get a few shots of them before they trotted off into the woods.

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morealyera said...

how cool! What a neat thing to see. :)

Dane said...

in all my years in the woods, I've never gotten to see chicks! Awesome!!!