Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Avast there mateys!

Yarr!! This day be a special one matey's. It be "Talk Like A Pirate Day." If ye be a curious wench or scallywag, travel the high cyberseas to this isle of info talklikeapirateday.com or join the naysayers swimmin' in the chumbucket.

I'll leave ye with a dity me shipmates n' me been singin' all day...

Yohoho... Avast there matey...
Pieces of eight, pieces of eight...
Dance a proper jig or walk the plank.
Booty for all and plunder a'plenty.
Shiver me timbers and boarders away...
A r r r r...


Anonymous said...

Yarrrr! Happy belated Pirates Day ye scurvy matey!

morealyera said...

Aye, lass... and a happy TLAP Day to ye as well! Yarr! P-)

Anonymous said...

ROPDL! (rolling on poop deck laughing)

Dane said...

I be agreein' with margus, mate! happy belated TLAPD!