Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sleepus Interruptus

I can't seem to get a good nights sleep lately. I'll lay in bed and if my mind eventually quiets down, I sleep for a couple of hours. Then it's a progression of flip-flopping, sleep a bit, getting up and go downstairs to use the facilities, go down to the basement and put a couple of logs in the woodstove, dog is sitting by door with his longing look so I take him outside to do his duty, go back upstairs to bed, sleep a bit, wake up to rearrange pillows or move to the other bedroom, sleep a bit, etc. Sometimes I'll wake up with my to do list running through my head. I haven't been dreaming much lately. I miss my dreams.

That's why I'm here blogging tonight. I went to bed, got all comfy and started running through things in my head. I remembered I made an error on something for work and I had to go downstairs, outside to my office to fix it. And since I'm here...I might as well blog. At least "what to blog about tomorrow" will be one thing off the list that runs through my head when I go back in the house and upstairs to bed.

Here's what will be running through my head in a few minutes when I lay my head on my pillow: work projects #1-7, things to do before I take off up north this weekend, when am I going to clean house for Thanksgiving guests with this work, remember to pay the bills, I need to get the fixings for pumpkin pies, what's for dinner tomorrow, take the movies back to the library, make phone call to the state about that tax thing, I need to clean my office and find the top of my desk, which holiday song should I learn on the concertina for Neil's Holiday Concert on Citizen of the Month, need to go to the bank, don't forget to keep the Saturday after Thanksgiving open for dinner and comedy club with my niece, need to do laundry, how can I help my friend that's going through a rough patch, and on and on. Ugh! Maybe I should start drinking.


will said...

Find yourself a doc specializing in sleep disorders. Do a sleep study. All sort of small physical conditions can interrupt sleep and only through a wired-up night' sleep can they tell what's happening.

I did that and was pleasantly surprised. Of course if you have children, teens or older, you're screwed and you will never sleep well again.

ArtSparker said...

Write stuff down. A list, That you can cross off when you get it done. Be sure to include little tiny things, like take out the garbage, google this question. Do this in the middle of the night if you are up or before you go to bed. Then it's removed from your mind and you have some sort of control...what are opposable thumbs for?

Anonymous said...

A couple of fingers of your favorite throat warmer will usually settle ones mind and will slow the vehicle of thoughts down enough for you to see and count all those beautiful sheep jumping over the fence. A good tucking in helps too.
Sweet Dreams

will said...

Sorry. There are numerous physiological things,often undetectable to sight, that disrupt sleep - none are fixable by home remedies, meditation or drinking.

Balou said...

bill - there are some physical things going on that are contributing but didn't want to bore everyone with those. ;) Good advice though. Don't worry, the drinking thing was a joke. I have maybe 2 drinks every 3 months and don't plan on increasing the intake.

ArtSparker - I need a notebook to hang around my neck.

Anonymous - You're a funny hubby.

Balou said...

actonbell - I need to work on my meditation skills. Glad you enjoy the music.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain. I frequently can't sleep, and my wife falls asleep quickly. I am so jealous ...

... good luck getting some sleep now.

Logophile said...

I hate it when I can't sleep, HATE IT!!
Ive been having the same issue lately, ugh!
My sympathies
After several interupted nights I actually will take a sleep aid (OTC) because lack of sleep does ugly things to me.
I don't prefer that method but it does work for me.
Alcohol isn't as good for that job because although you may go to sleep you can't sleep deeply, and you often wake up unable to get back to sleep.

Anyway, best wishes for some good rest!

Anonymous said...

wow.....what a lot of "perfect advice".
I say go for a little booze.
Love, sis

KFarmer said...

I feel your pain. After about three days of no sleep, I get kind of testy. I hope it is just a passing thing and you start sleeping again. As for the physical, I hope you get better soon.