Friday, November 17, 2006

My Psychic Connection

I have this friend. We've been friends so long I have to get the calculator out to figure out we've been friends for 23 years. We talk almost every day and she is the reason I have 3000 cell phone minutes per month on my plan instead of 1500.

There have been many times I will pick up my phone to call her and while in my hand it will suddenly start playing the theme song from "The Monkees." It is her ring tone. I usually have to let the song play out for a bit then hit the "answer call" button singing along "...hey, hey we're the monkees!" Then I say, "You are very scary, get out of my head." And then she laughs that knowing laugh.

Every once in a while I return the psychic favor by calling her at the moment she is thinking of me. Or as in tonight's case, I called her when she was typing my name in an email to someone else. But she is psychic-ier than I by far. (woohoo, new word!)

What an untapped phenomenon we all have within the gray matter. I imagine one day we will evolve to the point that we don't need man made communication devices. Maybe we'll be like those scary big headed people Capt. Kirk dealt with on the old Star Trek TV show.

Call me...Call me...Call me...
Maybe if I scrunch up my eyes and hold my index fingers to my temple...
Call me...Call me....Call me...
Nope. Didn't work this time. Traditional phone calls will have to do for a while yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beam in -- the power is on! :-)